Restless man awake in bed

Sleep Apnea Treatment

Sleep apnea does more than rob you of sleep. If left untreated, sleep apnea can contribute to major mental and physical health problems. Thanks to advances in dental sleep medicine, a variety of treatment options are available to people who suffer from sleep apnea. Learn how Dr. Jeffrey M. Dolgos helps patients at his Orchard Park, NY, practice achieve better health through sleep apnea treatment...

Treating Sleep Apnea Can Change Your Life

No More Daytime Sleepiness

If you are living with sleep apnea, you know how tired you can be during the day. Excessive daytime sleepiness contributes to impaired concentration, low energy, poor memory, and increased risk of auto accidents. A full night's rest with the help of sleep apnea treatment can help you sleep through the night and seize each day.

Relief for You and Your Partner

Obstructive sleep apnea leads to chronic snoring, fitful rest, and regularly waking up. All of these symptoms affect not only you, but also everyone in your house, especially your bed partner. Treatment for your sleep disorder can be a great gift to your loved ones.

Reduced Health Risks

You may think that your sleep apnea is annoying, but harmless. This is far from the truth. Sleep apnea is linked with serious health concerns like high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and depression. Seeking treatment for your sleep apnea can reduce these risks. 

Have You Been Diagnosed with Obstructive Sleep Apnea? Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Dolgos Today

If you have been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea, you should not wait to seek help. 

Dr. Dolgos has dedicated his career to the conservative treatment of obstructive sleep apnea. In many cases, he can recommend a treatment to help you find relief without surgery. Over the years, Dr. Dolgos has built a reputation for success in treating sleep-disordered breathing and is a member of the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine as well as other prestigious organizations. 

At our dental office in Orchard Park, NY, better rest and better quality of life are within reach through treatment. Contact us online to schedule a sleep apnea consultation or call our office:

(716) 675-5858

Dr. Jeffrey Dolgos

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Sleep Apnea Basics

Sleep apnea describes a sleep disorder in which your breathing stops repeatedly during sleep. There are two main types of sleep apnea: central sleep apnea and obstructive sleep apnea.

Central Sleep Apnea

Central sleep apnea is an extremely rare disorder in which the brain fails to signal the body's muscles to breathe during sleep. Central sleep apnea is a very serious condition that requires the attention of a specialist.

3D rendering of a head with the brain highlighted to depict central sleep apnea

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

The most common form of sleep apnea is obstructive sleep apnea, in which excess tissue in the back of the throat constricts or blocks the upper airway. It is a common sleep disorder, affecting over 18 million American adults. 

Because obstructive sleep apnea is caused by restricted airflow, treatment plans focus on opening up the upper airway during sleep, improving the flow of oxygen, and reducing the number of sleep disturbances. Common treatment options are continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) devices or oral appliances. In rare instances, surgery can be an option to remove the tissue causing the restriction. 

3D rendering of a head with the throat highlighted to depict obstructive sleep apnea

His Treatment Plans Work

"I am so happy to have my daughter and my mom coming here. Dr Dolgos and his staff are super nice and professional. It's like a family there and you're part of it....and the best thing...his treatment plans work!!!!!!" Tina B.

Are You or a Loved One at Risk?

Risk factors for sleep apnea include:

  • Being overweight
  • Smoking
  • Habitual consumption of alcohol
  • Large tonsils
  • A family history of sleep apnea

The most recognizable symptom of obstructive sleep apnea is chronic snoring. Other symptoms include chronic fatigue, mood swings, sore jaw muscles, and headaches.

Did You Know: Obesity Increases Your Risk of Sleep Apnea

Options for Treating Sleep Apnea

There are many treatment options available to those living with sleep apnea. During a sleep apnea consultation with Dr. Dolgos in Orchard Park, he will be able to determine which option or combination of options is the right choice for you.

Depending on your condition, we might recommend: 

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP)

Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) devices are commonly prescribed to treat patients with obstructive sleep apnea. CPAP devices work by supplying a constant flow of pressurized air through a mask placed on the sleeper's mouth or nose in order to keep the airway open. CPAP devices are highly effective, but many users consider CPAP machines to be bulky, uncomfortable, and otherwise cumbersome. Because of this, many people prefer oral appliance therapy to CPAP.

Oral Appliances

Another common treatment option for obstructive sleep apnea is the use of custom-made oral appliances. These oral appliances can be used to push the jaw forward during sleep, creating more space in the airway. The least invasive treatment option available, patients tend to prefer oral appliances because they are easy to use, easy to transport, and they provide great results. In some cases, you might find the best results from combining CPAP with an oral appliance.

There are several oral appliances on the market today advertised as sleep apnea devices. Dr. Dolgos has experience with many of them, but his favorite is the Elastic Mandibular Advancement (EMA®) appliance. Dr. Dolgos is a certified EMA lab technician, and he makes all appliances himself in his lab at Buffalo TMJ. This personal craftsmanship allows him to customize each appliance to each person's unique structural and functional requirements. 


In rare cases of extreme obstructive sleep apnea, the best course of action may be surgery to improve airflow. Usually, this would involve an operation to remove the tonsils or other tissue from the throat or mouth that causes the blockage, but in some cases, it may involve repositioning the jaw. Surgery should be considered a last option after other treatments have already been exhausted.

Is CPAP Too Difficult for You? Contact Us & Learn More about Our Custom Solutions

If every night is a struggle with your CPAP device, it might be time to consider an alternative. Custom-made oral appliances designed by dental sleep medicine experts like Dr. Dolgos can clear your restricted airflow with no noise, no power, and no embarrassment. Because oral appliances for sleep apnea are more compact than CPAP devices, they also allow you to travel comfortably and light. 

To ditch your continuous positive airway pressure treatment and learn more about oral appliance therapy, contact Dr. Dolgos online or call Buffalo TMJ in Orchard Park, NY:

(716) 675-5858

Oral appliance

Hear What Our Patients Are Saying

"I was so pleased with the entire office staff.  Dr. Dolgos was very informative about my dental care options." Tanito L.

Diagnosing Sleep Disorders Steps to Take before Consulting Our Office

Step 1: Talk to Your Physician

If you think you may have sleep apnea, your first step should be to consult with your physician. Provide as much detail as possible regarding your symptoms. It will likely be helpful to have your bed partner also provide information on snoring, pauses between your breaths, and any other indicators you might be unaware of.

Step 2: Schedule a Sleep Study

If your doctor suspects you have a sleep disorder, they will likely prescribe some kind of sleep study. In many cases, this involves spending the night at a sleep disorder center where physicians specializing in sleep medicine can monitor your heart rate, brain waves, lung activity, and other factors relevant to your sleep. The doctors at the sleep medicine center can share that data with your doctor. Alternatively, some doctors may provide the option of a home sleep study using a portable, doctor-provided device to collect the necessary data.

Step 3: Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Dolgos

After reviewing the results of the sleep study, your doctor or another specialist from the sleep medicine center will be able to determine if you have obstructive sleep apnea, central sleep apnea, or some other sleep disorder. If your diagnosis is obstructive sleep apnea, now is a good time to schedule a sleep apnea consultation with Dr. Dolgos in Orchard Park, NY. If you have not been diagnosed, we can also provide an initial screening.

I Couldn't Be Happier!

"I kept waking up with severe headaches and was diagnosed with TMJ. My primary doctor recommended Dr. Dolgos and I could not be happier. After following his TMJ program, my headaches are gone!" Joanie M.

What to Expect during Your Sleep Apnea Treatment

Our Orchard Park, NY, team cares deeply about treating the health of the whole patient. The body is not a collection of isolated elements, but one system in which every part is dependent on the others. This is evident in the case of obstructive sleep apnea, as excess tissue in the throat or an imperfect jaw can lead to such varied health concerns as high blood pressure, diabetes, and erectile dysfunction. Dr. Dolgos loves treating jaw problems because the jaw is a joint that is critical to your overall wellbeing.

While every treatment is highly customized to your individual needs, here is what you can generally expect: 

First Consultation

When you schedule a sleep apnea consultation with Dr. Dolgos, you can trust that he will recommend the best treatment for your condition. Because of his expertise in crafting custom-made oral devices, Dr. Dolgos is especially popular with patients who have tried continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) devices and cannot tolerate them.

Take-Home Sleep Study

After your consultation, Dr. Dolgos may send you home with a Medibyte system to screen and monitor your airway management. This simple, take-home kit gives a fairly comprehensive set of data about your sleep breathing effectiveness, including blood oxygen concentration, chest and abdominal effort, airflow, and sleep noises. Many patients find this option preferable to spending the night in a sleep center.


Dr. Dolgos can use the data he collects from the Medibyte system in conjunction with his observation of your jaw to determine how to best treat your sleep apnea, whether that's through oral appliance therapy alone, a combination of CPAP and oral device therapy, or some other routine.

Begin Treatment

Dr. Dolgos will fabricate your appliance in our office using premium materials. You can immediately start wearing your appliance while you sleep. Dr. Dolgos will schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and make adjustments to your treatment as necessary. 
Child in sleep study
If your doctor suspects you have a sleep disorder, they will likely prescribe some kind of sleep study. 

Is there anything else I can do to treat my sleep apnea? 

Lifestyle Changes & Other Considerations

Weight Loss

Being overweight is one of the most significant risk factors for obstructive sleep apnea. Even minimal weight loss can relieve the restriction of your airflow during the night. Patients at our Orchard Park practice should consider a change in diet and getting more exercise to aid with their weight loss.

Reduce Drinking and Smoking

Studies show that habitual drinking and smoking can contribute to obstructive sleep apnea. Patients should cut back on these habits to achieve better rest.

Play the Didgeridoo

Believe it or not, playing this ancient, aboriginal instrument could help open up your airway. One study indicated that the circular breathing technique required to play the didgeridoo can strengthen your throat, improving airflow while you sleep. This is one of Dr. Dolgos's favorite and simplest prescriptions.

Watch Dr. Dolgos Play the Didgeridoo

The circular breathing technique required to play the didgeridoo can strengthen your throat, improving airflow while you sleep. 

Breathing Exercises

As an advocate for treating the health of the whole body, Dr. Dolgos recommends a routine of breathing exercises to train the body to breathe better. Dr. Dolgos encourages his patients who suffer from restricted airflow to engage in a simple exercise. Sit in a comfortable position, upright, and relax your shoulders. Take a deep breath, and allow your body to relax on the exhale. Now focus on breathing only through your nose for two minutes. If you have to breathe through your mouth a little, that’s ok, but really try to only breathe through your nose, calmly and slowly. In and out. See if you notice any difference in the ease with which air passes through your nasal passages. If you notice a difference, then it is likely that you could make a significant improvement in your well-being by simply practicing taking breaths through your nose for 20 minutes or so, twice per day. 

Dr. Dolgos On Breathing Exercises

"The most critical element to keep your body alive is regular breathing, balancing inhalation and exhalation, with efficient exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide through your lungs. The most effective way to keep clean air flowing into your lungs is to breathe deeply, smoothly, and rhythmically throughout the day and night, while awake, and while asleep." Dr. Dolgos

Get a Custom Quote  for Your Oral Appliance Today

Because the cost of treatment varies from person to person, the best way to get a quote is to schedule a consultation at Buffalo TMJ in Orchard Park, NY. Our team will carefully evaluate your case and provide an accurate cost. To learn more, request an evaluation online or call us: 

(716) 675-5858

Dr. Dolgos Discusses How the Didgeridoo Helps Patients

Just 30 minutes of practice a day could improve your and your bed partner's quality of sleep.
Dr. Dolgos

Buffalo TMJ

Jeffrey M. Dolgos, DDS, has the experience and training to treat TMJ and sleep apnea. His professional achievements include:

  • Academy of General Dentistry - Fellowship
  • American Academy of Craniofacial Pain - Fellowship
  • Institute for Advanced Laser Dentistry - Certified Instructor
  • American Academy of Physiological Medicine and Dentistry - Member
  • American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine - Member
  • Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology - Member

Contact our practice online or call us at (716) 217-9580.

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I have suffered from terrible migraines related to TMJ for a long time. I finally found relief after going to Dr. Dolgos! I recently tried Botox injections for my migraines and have had amazing results! If you have TMJ I would definitely recommend making an appointment!
Kathleen B.

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